Collection: Collarless Jackets

The men's collarless jacket tells us things about ourselves we pretend not to know. In an era when tailoring clings desperately to tradition, these round neck jackets emerge as quiet acts of refusal. Consider the implications: a men's suit jacket stripped of its most potent symbol of authority, the collar replaced by a line so elementally simple it becomes radical.

The luxury men's round neck blazer appeared in Tokyo and Paris showrooms precisely when we began dismantling other certainties, around 1989 or 1991, though no one now quite remembers which. Some call them "men's Chanel-style jackets," a reference that misses the point entirely. The collarless suit jacket for men is not about borrowing or reconstruction but about absence, about negative space, about what happens when you remove the familiar markers of power and are left with only line and form. That the most sophisticated men in certain circles now seek these pieces speaks to our collective exhaustion with obvious signifiers. The round neck jacket suggests new ways of seeing. It requires confidence precisely because it refuses to announce itself. In this refusal lies its peculiar power.